wtorek, 7 czerwca 2016

Inspiration, craziness, life...

Bulgaria is a lovely country, that inspires me to do things, that I wouldn’t do normally in Poland. Like... hitchhiking. I only tried in once, but I can see how people can like doing it. A few weeks ago, when the weather was really beautiful and the sun was shining all day me with my EVS friend decided to see nice, local places, that everyone here is talking about.
            We decided, that we want to see a place called Etarat. We knew that it all depends on our luck with hitchhiking. But... let’s start from the beginning.

It was a Sunday morning. We decided to go from my friends town, because it was closer to Etarat. And... we waited only 10 minutes for the first car! We had fun, I didn’t know that with this I can have it at lot. After few kilometres we had to change a car. And then... Happened something that I wasn’t expecting. We haven’t even waited a minute. And the person, that stopped, said that he had a free day, and had nothing to do at home, and either way he would spend the whole day alone, moping around at home, so he said “I can take you there, directly, nor problem”. So we were able to see not only the Etarat, but also Sokolski Monastery, the town of Gabrovo, Bozhentsi village, Draynovo Monastery and Bacho Kiro cave.  At the beginning of our journey, when we were still waiting for the car to stop, we had even some doubts, that we would be able to catch a car at all or able to see anything. And life can bring you some surprises every day. We had fun all day, and even had a time for a coffee at the end of our journey. After that I think I can try hitchhiking again, see how it will be this time?

            I knew that in Bulgaria you have a lot of amazing places, like monasteries, caves, old towns or small, preserved in old ways villages. I saw a lot of places here in Bulgaria, that show nature in a really good line. For example... I really fell in love with Bozhentsi village. It was a long time, since I saw last time so calming environment. We need places like this to calm down after hours spend at work.

            Journeys can also be a good thing in other way. Recently I visit the capital of Romania, Bucharest. It was a journey, right? I didn’t expect that at the ticket office at the train station I could not buy a ticket for the train?! Where else can I buy it? Please, dear friends from Bulgaria, work on being more practical and easier for the foreigners. Nevertheless, thanks to my basic knowledge of Bulgarian language and being able to understand almost everything you say, I was able to communicate with the cashier. She’d helped me to solve this problem and without farther ado I was travelling to Bucharest. At the train, where I spend the next 9 hours I’ve met a nice Bulgarian, with whom I had a nice conversation through our trip to Bucharest. Even though I still don’t speak very good Bulgarian, I was able to understand him without any problems and we had a long talk. As it seems we even have common friends in Bulgaria. Yes, and let me tell you, Bulgaria is a small world. (I can tell this as a physicists or from the allegorical point of view.) So, my point is. If you decide to travel. You can meet a lot of nice people. Some of them can even become your friends.

I had a really great time in Bucharest visiting this town. I’ve met a lot of nice people, seen a lot of places, had fun. And that’s what counts. But my point being. Don’t be afraid of travelling. I’m not saying you have to go far away. Look around you and see, that you have a lot of places where you can have some rest after a long week full of work. Everyone deserves some “relax time”, especially nowadays. So... pack a bag, take a map, smile and go. Wherever your heart wants. It’s time to have some fun in life. 

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