wtorek, 14 czerwca 2016

Rose Festival

The Rose Festival is one of the festivals organized in Bulgaria. If you go around Kazanlak, you can see a lot of rose plantations, roses in the local gardens or in general - roses around the city. Wherever you look, roses. Is it a coincidence? No! Because in 1420, when the town of Kazanlak in Bulgaria has been founded, Rosa Damascena known as the Kazanlak Rose, has been brought here by Turkish judge from Tunisia. Once upon a time this Turkish judge had cultivated those roses in his private garden here in Kazanlak. But now Bulgarians (not only but mostly) practice this tradition in the Rose Valley. Valley of Roses is a region, that is located in the south of the Balkan Mountains and the eastern part of Sredna Gora chain up to the south of this country. Bulgarians use roses for the commercial use, such as “Bulgarian Rose Oil” for the cosmetics, perfumes and so on, and so on.

When the rose picking in the Valley of Roses ends, people celebrate this occasion with the Rose Festival. It takes place in Karlovo, Kazanlak and another close located cities. The main celebration starts with International Children Day (of course on the 1st of June). The Rose Festival in Kazanlak though lasts from the 2nd to the 5th of June and is full of attractions prepared by locals and rose producers and sellers.

The Rose Festival has been celebrated from 1903, so this year was the 113th Festival of Roses. For me though, the 1st one. During those days I was a participant and a tourist at once so I would like to share my opinion and my impression about this festival.

For me, the festival started on Thursday when two of my friends, also EVS volunteers, came to Kazanlak to celebrate this holidays with us. On Friday I’ve decided to participate in Zumba and Horo dances, one of the attractions being held in Rosarium Park. It was so much fun, although it was a really big difference for me. When we were dancing Zumba – everyone was just looking at us. Looking! Come on guys, have some fun in life. Though horo dances are really amazing, zumba is also great. And you can lose some weight and have fun at the same time, don’t be afraid, ashamed or anything! Enjoy your lives! In the evening we’ve decided to meet together in the city centre, then we’ve witnessed the official opening of Rose Festival with included: coronation of this year’s Queen of Roses, beautiful fireworks and so on.

The next day, meaning Saturday, I’ve spend in the city. Also enjoying the activities prepared especially for this occasion. One of them is in my mind even till today. The point is, I love wine. I love taste of it, the colour, everything. So of course I couldn’t miss the Wine Expo, where of course I had to buy a bottle of wine. A bottle, which we drank few days later together with my friends – we drank it for life, happiness and health. It was a really good bottle of wine.

There was also one thing in my mind through the whole time during the Festival of Roses. I have been living here for some time now, and it was the first day, first situation, that I’ve met so many people on Kazanlak’s streets. I was asking myself where exactly I am? Is it still the same Kazanlak that I live in?

The next day, Sunday, was the only one that I’ve spend on the other side of the Festival. Together with one of the organizations, that we volunteer in, we were taking part in a parade, as one of the groups of course. I really enjoyed this event. I will have really good memories of the crowd in usually quite town. I will also remember that during the parade, everyone was really excited and inpatient about this “walk of fame”.

I’m really grateful for the possibility to see and to enjoy the 113th Rose Festival. I would like to thank my colleagues from voluntary work, especially Daily Care Centre for Adults and Kids with Disabilities. For giving me the possibility to participate in the activities and for the big welcome in your community. Thank you very much, it is a pleasure to be here with you. I will always have in my heart your kindness, hospitality and your friendship. Thank you, and... I hope that the next Rose Festival will be even better for everyone.

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