wtorek, 7 czerwca 2016

My travelling in Bulgaria and experience that I have through it

Being a volunteer in Bulgaria, is something that I’ve never dreamed about. I’m a volunteer since I was 13 years old, but I’ve never thought that I’ll be here, at this place, with those people. But everything is changing in our lives. This opportunity’s been allowing me to travel around Bulgaria and other countries. I would like to describe to you one of my journeys. First hitchhiking in my life.

                                                                                 Veliko Tarnovo, 14th February 2016

It is a sunny day in February. A Valentine’s Day nevertheless. And instead of spending a day alone at my place, me and my friend decided to try hitchhiking. I wasn’t quite sure about it at the beginning. Me? Hitchhiking? A bit of craziness in life wouldn’t hurt, right? So my friend finally convinced me to travel with her and see a place called Etar. We decided that we will try to see only this place, ‘cause we all know how long it takes to travel by hitchhiking. Well, life can surprise you every day. I’ve went to Tryavna, and from that place we’re travelling together with my Italian friend. We went in the direction of Etar and then, 10 minutes later and Voilà! We caught a car. Our Bulgarian language is not so fluent, but we managed to understand that the driver will get us to only some point, and we will have to split up and try to catch another car. Ok. We got out of the car and went by foot in good direction for like one minute or even less. We were only walking, just heard a car, turned around and waved. And.. Voilà! once again. This time we managed to communicate better, and the driver said: “girls, I hope you don’t mind, but I just have a free day, and I would have to go home and spend the day alone, could I... somehow... visit the countryside with you?” Well, we agreed, and... the day began!
            First thing we saw was the architectural and ethnographic complex called Etar. We so enjoyed the peace, silence and nature. Living in a city, place for having some rest from the noise is always more than welcomed. Then we went to see the Sokolski Monastery. It’s a nice place, although a monastery – a church itself I mean – was closed. Though the small chapel that was there was really beautiful. Then, together, we went for the dinner to Gabrovo, which is really a nice city worth exploring more. Having so much time allowed us to see more, so then we went to see architectural sanctuary called Bozhentsi. Maybe, just maybe, when I’m old, and I would be looking for a place to live, far away from a civilization, maybe I could choose a place like this? Who knows! Then, the final destinations came. A place I’ve seen before, but on the 2nd of January, a month or so ago. Dryanovo Monastery and the Bacho Kiro Cave. A small place, that was also worth seeing.

            And driver-for-the-day drove us back to Tryavna and with that our journey has finished. A Valentine’s Day has been full of love, the love for Bulgarian countryside.

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